Jun 282016
6/28/16 Assignment: Intern Log Template
- From: K. Jacobson (kj) intern mentor
- To: H. Davidson, Intern
SMART request:
- Specific:
- Create draft Intern Log Template
- Apply template to one log entry
- Measurable:
- Template will include:
- Header for standardized business communique
- Topic, title, From, To, Dates (assigned, submitted, reviewed, revisions)
- SMART assignment format:
- S: specific
- M: measurable
- A: attainable
- R: related
- T: time delineated
- Narrative section
- Template will include:
- Attainable:
- Intern confirms she has the skills and resources needed to complete assignment
- Time:
- 6/28/16 H.D. confirms ability to complete assignment
- 6/28/16 H.D. submits to K.J. for review
- 6/29/16 K. J. review
- 6/30/16 K.J. to Constantine Faller (cf)
- 7/2/16 C.F. provides feedback, further instructions