Jan 232020

I am asking if Ms Ricket thinks enhancing this section might help someone better understand the assignment and what is to follow.

For example, one does not usually put an introduction to a book in Chapter One.

What workbook?

What assignment?

Is there ANY way that this workbook has influenced you, your thinking, your thoughts of me as a slave driver, your communications skills, your approach to problem solving or management?

Does the title still serve what you are trying to communicate with others?

  16 Responses to “JK’s seven Workbook entries for the internship.”

  1. JK’s Chapter one workbook report.
    This at-home with Holistic Management By Ann Adams was given to me for my internship.
    Acquiring new navigational tools and Holistic Management and holism.
    Key concepts for chapter one what is Holistic Management, Holism is like a pair of eyeglasses, “Part-thinking” leads the more unintended consequences, a goal pulls. Problems push when people are motivated, there is little need for discipline, making conscious decisions means retraining human nature and making the most of your resources is fun. It talks about what Holistic Management includes and it opened my eyes to many different connections. In the process, a few attempts go towards instinct or training. Chapter one moves past problem-fixing to achieve what we want. As we apprehend how the arena operates and our area in it, we are highly capable to create our desired consequences and feature fun in the process.
    Jasmine Koon

    • test reply

      • This “At-home with Holistic Management” By Ann Adams was given to me for my internship.
        The title of the chapter was “Acquiring new navigational tools and Holistic Management and Holism.”
        Key concepts for chapter one what is Holistic Management? (answer this question) Holism is like a pair of eyeglasses. Holism is like eyeglasses: you can see how actions affect others “Part-thinking” leads to more unintended consequences. A goal pulls people to work better. Problems push when people are motivated, there is little need for discipline, making conscious decisions mean retraining human nature and making the most of your resources. Working as part of a team that is motivated is fun. It talks about what Holistic Management includes and it opened my eyes to many different connections. In the chapter, it described training. Chapter one moves past problem-fixing to achieve what we want. As we apprehend how the arena operates and our area in it, we are highly capable to create our desired consequences and feature fun in the process.

  2. JK’s Chapter two workbook report.
    This at-home with Holistic Management By Ann Adams was given to me for my internship.
    The tides upon which we sail understanding the ecosystems that sustain us.
    Chapter two key concepts understanding nature, water cycle, mineral cycle, energy flow, biological community, soil cover and the brittleness scale and the importance of these concepts to your community.
    Chapter two is good a giving a good basic understanding of Holistic Management and the ecosystem techniques. After reading this I have a basic understanding of making the decision-making process. Due to the functions of the water cycle, mineral cycle, electricity flow, and biological community are merely different components of the same thing. The methods and consciousness of the role our choices play in improving, this creates surroundings for generations.
    Jasmine Koon

  3. JK’s Chapter three workbook report.
    This at-home with Holistic Management By Ann Adams was given to me for my internship.
    Aye Aye, Captain getting the most from your crew.
    Key concepts for chapter three the importance of communications in decision-making, Language and reality, communication and the art of listing, assessing capacity, intelligence and making the most of your group and leadership by example.
    In chapter three it really shows making the most of your group can take some effort. If you are not used to working with different abilities that every worker brings. If you can discover ways to work as an effective team. You have a greater chance of Holistic Management.
    Jasmine Koon

  4. JK’s Chapter four report.
    This at-home with Holistic Management By Ann Adams was given to me for my internship.
    Building your ship defining the whole.
    Key concepts for chapter four decision-makers, Resource bases, and money.
    This chapter has plenty of good examples of defining managing, what you can draw from to get a Holistic goal.
    Jasmine Koon

    • This is defining my whole
      Decision-makers, resource bases, and money
      -Decision-makers Mom and dad
      -Resource Base(people and things) Co-workers and this workbook.
      -Money(What money is available to us?) Babysitting and savings from the previous job.

  5. JK’s chapter five report
    This at-home with Holistic Management By Ann Adams was given to me for my internship.
    Choosing a destination and setting a holistic goal.
    Chapter five key concepts: Forming a holistic goal, Quality goal, Behaviors and systems, and Future visions.
    Chapter five shows plenty of exercises and examples for forming a Holistic goal. It shows difficult and rewarding activities that make up Holistic goals. This chapter has a clear sense of how to sustain every decision.
    Jasmine Koon

    • – Quality of life for me is my family’s encouragement, expressing appreciation, communication and time together.
      – Behaviors and Systems good time management. An open, safe, and nonjudgment environment for communication.
      – Future visions support, respect and being loyal.

  6. JK’s Chapter six report
    This at-home with Holistic Management By Ann Adams was given to me for my internship.
    Setting sail and testing your decisions.
    Chapter six is about the importance of making conscious decisions, How to use the testing questions, Root cause, Weak link, Comparing options, Input analysis, Vision analysis, and Gut check.
    My consideration of this chapter:
    With the three questions, I now have the capability to make long term decisions towards my Holistic aim. Much other training Holistic management has determined that walking their choices by trying out questions makes the Holistic purpose more real to them.
    Jasmine Koon

  7. JK’s Chapter seven report
    This at-home with Holistic Management By Ann Adams was given to me for my internship.
    Charting and staying on course planning and monitoring.
    Chapter seven report is about key concepts with planning, charting your course and keeping on track.
    My consideration in this chapter shows how making a plan and tracking it can take some work, but it’s the only way to make sure your long-time desires or objectives succeed.
    Jasmine Koon

  8. My concerns regarding health services, especially to lower incomes.
    People with two jobs and a good degree still struggle to make ends meet. People can’t go grocery shopping without a calculator they have to decide what bills not to pay. This is here to help you better understand poverty because poverty is much more. This is also here to acknowledge the biased beliefs that poor people are lazy and that poverty is their fault but how do I make you understand things like working full time for $10 an hour is only about 19,000 a year even though it’s well over the federal minimum wage of $8.55. People that are promoted to manager they have to report within thirty days their new income to DHHR. Within sixty days their rent can go up. They can lose there snap benefits and their family insurance so they have to step down from there promotion. They go back working part-time so their family can survive. Some families force their kids to jobs but have to claim their income as well. They lose there snap benefits and insurance, so without insurance their family members cant get the right medication they need. These kids were made to quit their jobs because there killing their other family members because they can’t get the right medications. Kids are not going to escape poverty as long as there relining on the head of the household, who is poor. Poverty rolls off the backs of parents and right on the children despite how hard they try. Parents go hungry so their children can have seconds and these parents are employed full time. Congressmen’s salary according to senate.gov the salary for senators, representatives, and delegates is $174,000 a year it would take nine people working, full-time for a year at $10 an hour to match their salary. I also read each senator is authorized $40,000 for state office furniture and this amount is insured each year to reflect inflation. That $40,000 a year for furniture is $360 more than the federal poverty guidelines for a family of seven. Their guidelines need to be made relevant and reflect what poverty really looks like today. Athens has a median income of $24,326 people are working full time and are hungry. Kids are about to be kicked off free school lunch because of changes the government wants to make. These kids cant have part-time jobs because their parents will die without health insurance. People are working full time in this country for very little income but there not poor enough to get help. They don’t make enough to get by.

    • My concerns regarding health services, especially to lower incomes.
      People with two jobs and a good degree still struggle to make ends meet. People can’t go grocery shopping without a calculator they have to decide what bills not to pay. This is here to help you better understand poverty because poverty is much more. This is also here to acknowledge the biased beliefs that poor people are lazy and that poverty is their fault. How do I make you understand things like working full time for $10 an hour is only about 19,000 a year. Even though it’s well over the federal minimum wage of $8.55. People that are promoted to a manager position have to report within thirty days their new income to DHHR. Within sixty days their rent can go up. They can lose there snap benefits and their family insurance. This makes them have to step down from there promotion. They go back working part-time so their family can survive. Some families force their kids to get jobs but have to claim their income as well. They lose there snap benefits and insurance, so without insurance, their family members can’t get the right medication they need. These kids were made to quit their jobs because there killing their other family members because they can’t get the right medications. Kids are not going to escape poverty as long as there relining on the head of the household, who is poor. Poverty rolls off the backs of parents and right on the children despite how hard they try. Parents go hungry so their children can have seconds and these parents are employed full time. Congressmen’s salary according to senate.gov the salary for senators, representatives, and delegates is $174,000 a year. It would take nine people working, full-time for a year at $10 an hour to match their salary. I also read each senator is authorized $40,000 for state office furniture. This amount is insured each year to reflect inflation. That $40,000 a year for furniture is $360 more than the federal poverty guidelines for a family of seven. Their guidelines need to be made relevant and reflect what poverty really looks like today. Athens has a median income of $24,326 people are working full time and are hungry. Kids are about to be kicked off free school lunch because of changes the government wants to make. These kids can’t have part-time jobs because their parents will die without health insurance. People are working full time in this country for very little income but there not poor enough to get help. They don’t make enough to get by.

  9. An outlook of the coronavirus
    I am currently a senior at AHS this graduating class was born during and in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, and they will graduate during a pandemic. I believe we are destined for great things. To us, the cancellation of school is not a vacation. It’s wasted time we don’t get to spend with our friends in the last few months before we graduate. I’m anxious, realizing I may never be able to the field again with their best friend and hear my name called at senior night. Dance competitions may never happen. My class trip has already been canceled. Prom memories will not happen. I’m nervous that I may never walk the stage and get my diploma I have been working so hard for. My sister that I live with is a Hospice nurse and works every day hoping she doesn’t get it because her fiance has Guillain Barre syndrome and if he gets corona he will die. I also have a three-year-old brother at home that could die from it so nerves are high right now.
    Supply wise we are doing fine because my sister is a couponer and we have a stockpile but on the other hand my parents are struggling. My dad was diabetes and is a heavy smoker, my mom is a heavy smoker at there both in their sixties. My whole family worries about them with there health and their supplies. My sister and I has been helping them by buying things they need such as toilet paper, eggs, etc. My sister is always looking at the pols of how many people have it and are dying from it which I also think causes more stress. We are just left with so many questions and worry rn but I believe this is all a test from God on how we can help each other and listen. I think if we all stayed inside for about two weeks the number would go down and it would get cured faster.

    • An outlook of the coronavirus.
      I am currently a senior at AHS this graduating class was born during and in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, and they will graduate during a pandemic. I believe we are destined for great things. To us, the cancellation of school is not a vacation. It’s wasted time we don’t get to spend with our friends in the last few months before we graduate. I’m anxious, realizing I may never be able to the field again with my best friends and hear my name called at senior night. Dance competitions may never happen. My class trip has already been canceled. Prom memories will not happen. I’m nervous that I may never walk the stage and get my diploma I have been working so hard for. My sister that I live with is a Hospice nurse. She works every day hoping she doesn’t get it because her fiance has Guillain Barre syndrome. If he gets the coronavirus he will die. I also have a three-year-old brother at home that could die from it so nerves are high right now.
      Supply wise we are doing fine because my sister is a couponer and we have a stockpile but on the other hand my parents are struggling. My dad was diabetes and is a heavy smoker, my mom is a heavy smoker at there both in their sixties. My whole family worries about them with there health and their supplies. My sister and I have been helping them by buying things they need such as toilet paper, eggs, etc. My sister is always looking at the pols of how many people have it and are dying from it. I also think causes more stress for the family. We are just left with so many questions and worry rn. I believe this is all a test from God on how we can help each other and listen. I think if we all stayed inside for about two weeks the number would go down and it would get cured faster.

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