Jul 152019


Anthropogenic climate change (ACC) and “us vs. them” have interplay. I therefore believe that working towards a solution for one inevitably decreases the severity of the other, and a solution to either would bring me towards my holistic goal. In order to simplify decisions and expedite action, I am choosing to focus on climate change.

Below, I have outlined the decision testing questions for which aspect of ACC to focus on. Included are three of what I consider the main causes of ACC.

Jul 082019


The attached document will be used to quantify how much an initiative works towards one or more holistic goals, other types of goals, and the Current Situation Analysis. The right column is used to check off what goals/problems are worked towards, which are totaled at the bottom. It will be used in conjunction with the holistic management testing questions or “decision making framework/matrix” to choose an initiative that aligns with my holistic goal, the Athens’ Own holistic goal, potentially the holistic goals of other AO team members, and addresses the Current Situation Analysis.

The most recently updated version of this document can be found HERE.