Jun 022016

Con and I were chatting about the different things I think of when I think of Local. We created a list, which is as follows.

  1. “Community”:
  • Members
  • Geographic community: the people who live close to you (farmers market, neighborhood, school district.)
  • Relationships: The people with whom you interact within your geographic location. (Friends, family, classmates, coworkers)
  • Situational Community: Those you interact with by coincidence, or by necessity.
  1. Location:
  • County
  • State
  • Regional
  • Situational
  1. Groups
  • Political groups
  • Clubs
  • Sports
  • Culture/Religion
  1. Businesses:
  • Local Businesses with Local Products
  • Local Businesses with non-local Products

Our thoughts for this discussion were that while I start working on my graphics and any Athens’ Own project, making sure I have a good understanding of what Local is and how it plays in to everything I do. It’s also important that when you are working to share a message that you understand well enough that you can convey that message to others. That way if I am trying to get a conversation started with my community, like Ohio University Students, and they ask a question like “What is Local? How can I help?” I know exactly what to tell them to make the most impact and to give them correct information to pass on to the people in their community as well.

  2 Responses to “June 2 What is Local?”

  1. Could businesses be included under “groups”, or do you prefer it as a separate heading?

    After a conversation with Kathy Jacobson and Constantine Faller regarding the question above, I have created an updated version of the list that we think better encompasses what local is to us and Athens’ Own. This list has grouped businesses in to the Groups categories because they are a form of collaborative group among other businesses. We also have created a more expansive and inclusive description of locations that could be considered local in certain areas.

    1. “Community”:
    – Members
    – Geographic community: the people who live close to you (farmers market, neighborhood, school district.)
    – Relationships: The people with whom you interact within your geographic location. (Friends, family, classmates, coworkers)
    – Situational Community: Those you interact with by coincidence, or by necessity.
    2. Location:
    – Neighborhood/Multi-Neighborhood
    – County/Multi-County
    – State/Multi-State
    – Regional
    – National/Multi-Nations
    – Situational
    3. Groups
    – Political groups
    – Clubs
    – Sports
    – Culture/Religion
    – Locally Owned Businesses with Local Products
    – Locally Owned Businesses with non-local Products

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