Monday morning, August 7th, started with breakfast and a meeting with Kathy (K) and Constantine. The discussion covered many topics including intern log format and resource exchanges between collaborative partners (primarily time). The discussion led to some deliverables being requested of some team members including a synopsis of the information about intern log postings on the AO website (assigned to me), a synopsis of chapters 1-7 of At Home with Holistic Management (assigned to K and I) as well as preparations of some position descriptions for collaborative partners such as the Athens Time Exchange ( (assigned to me). One common theme of the deliverables was that they were to be written technically, so that the writing would be accessible, efficient, and exact as possible.
After the meeting, K and I headed into the woods. We spent 3 hours making our way through the woods, spotting many plant and fungi species, some of which I recognized, and some of which K taught me about. It is apparent to me that I need to keep a pocket-sized notepad with me anytime I enter the woods with K as I am certain to be exposed to a plethora of knowledge about the forest. I plan to start a forest plant and fungi journal to build my wild plant and fungi identification skills and for general reference.
I appreciated the time with K as it fulfilled some of my goals, especially in the realms of preparedness and independence by fulfilling some of my qualities of life like spending time in the woods, and learning new skills. I am hopeful that I will continue to develop a “green eye” for noticing and appreciating the intricacies of nature. The time in the woods also furthered some of the goals of the Broadwell Hill Learning Center (BWHLC) by further exploring ideas of walking meditation on the trails, signage on the trails to allow self-guided tours, and K’s role/participation in said activities.
After returning to the house and having some lunch, neighbor Diana arrived to discuss her wedding and reception/potluck and to pick a spot for the wedding ceremony, to be held at BWHLC on August 19th. K invited me along as I would likely be part of the preparations for the event. K, Diana, and I ventured into the woods, scoping out a good location for the ceremony. As we traveled along, I got to scan the woods and look for species I had learned about earlier. Diana had interests and knowledge of plant and fungi species as well; she had been mushroom hunting with a friend earlier in the day. It was motivating to have another person to exchange information with about common interests, not to mention finding a flush of Golden Chanterelle mushrooms (You can find information about Chanterelles here:!
Aside from the time in the forest, K and I discussed the deliverables discussed at the morning meeting. We discussed what the deliverables might look like and when they might be completed. We also discussed manifesting a structured time for working on such assignments; a specific example would be having an hour on Mondays (my day delegated to BWHLC) dedicated to writing my log.
Reflecting on the day, I think it did not go exactly as planned. I do not think K or I planned to spend 3 hours on our walk in the woods as there were many projects that needed attention; however, the time was not wasted. K further imparted some of her goals and knowledge of the forest to me, helped me further flesh out some of my assignments; together, we furthered common goals. For the upcoming days, I will strive to start a plant and fungi journal, work on the deliverables identified at the morning meeting, and continue to work towards a consistent workflow for my assignments.
Thank you!
I spoke with Constantine about the creation of a bWh tab subsection for your “Mondays on Broadwell Hill” logs.
We decided that my mentorship dialogue and project management work would take place within the Collaboration – 2017 BWH Paul Reed category posts.
Therefore, I have placed the notes I took while reading this log entry at:
8/7/17 PR – Broadwell Hill Report
I look forward to continuing this dialogue with you as we continue on this experiential service learning adventure!
Thanks for your work in pursuing a subsection for my bWh logs Kathy.