Sep 072017

Written on 9/7/17

Workday efficiency

Yesterday was a full day, despite a late start. I inventoried and delivered to Seaman’s, Bagel Street Deli, Restaurant Salaam, Fusion Noodle Company, and Jackie O’s.

Due to my late start, I ended up delivering to Jackie O’s after the restaurant had already opened. While this was not ideal for me, I was less worried about being a nuisance during my delivery after a talk with Con about my role as a product distributor and collaborator from Athens’ Own.

Aside from deliveries there was plenty to do at the warehouse. I was loading the truck for a delivery when a FedEx driver showed up with 20 cases of chips for AO. It took me 30 minutes to take care of the chips. “Taking care” of the chips entailed unboxing the cases, breaking the shipping boxes down, stacking the broken-down boxes, writing a date on the cases, and stacking the cases for storage. Given there were 20 cases, that is 1.5 minutes per box.

I hope to reduce this time as well as the amount of time it takes me to do other common AO production and distribution activities. I plan to do a better job of tracking the time it takes me to do specific tasks and work to continually improve my techniques with an eye on a more efficient, and possibly shorter, workday.






  3 Responses to “9/6/17 – Town Day”

  1. Why late start?

    “… less worried … after talk with Con…”
    Glad to hear.

    Very nice description of AO town tasks, e.g. ‘taking care of chips’.
    I appreciate the attention to time management and the pursuit of improvement processes.

    Any thoughts as to how you are going to track time better?
    What are the weak links, log jams?
    Can you identify any practices that may be slowing you down?

    Nice working log; thanks!

    • Hi Kathy,

      At this point I am unsure of what caused the late start; I could have given reason when writing the log which would have eliminated the need to ask and be a reminder when/if I was reviewing the log or responding to a comment.

      As for keeping better track of time, I plan to use the stop watch on my phone and keep a written record of the time for each activity.

      The main weak links in my operations are related to lack of experience. I think it is also important that I keep focused on the goals of my activities to promote the best outcomes and be better able to adapt to new versions of old activities.

  2. Thank you.
    I shall also do my best;
    “… keep focused on the goals of my activities to promote the best outcomes and be better able to adapt to new versions of old activities.”

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