Jun 272016

6/27/16 kj
Here are some draft questions that I came up with to facilitate the review of the logs by other collaborative partners. It is far from the mark but perhaps it is a start.

Does the writer present project proposals in a well-thought out business format, including Holistic Management Decision-Making rationale?

Does there appear to be room for improvement in the arena of basic writing skills?

  • target audience, message, spelling & grammar, sequential thought development and organization

Does writer appear to understand the reasons, purpose, goals of the logs?

  • learning log, business record, collaborative communication, education, marketing, at-distance coordination, etc.

Is the writer addressing the highly diverse target audience with marketing strategies to inform, inspire, empower and mobilize?

Did the writer provide adequate information, references, hotlinks?

Will the highly diverse target audience be able to understand the situation, activity, assignment, learning focus, project, etc.?

  • Supervisor, Mentors, Cohorts/peers, collaborative partners, other interested individuals
    • many are interacting via at-distance processes; most are out-of-the loop with regards to day-to-day activities
      • The logs need to facilitate a thorough understanding of the situation, activity, assignment, learning focus.
      • The logs need to inform, inspire, empower and mobilize.

Does the writer appear to understand the importance of demonstrating personal understanding of Athens’ Own, concepts, etc. when writing the log?

Does the intern identify and demonstrate active learning processes in the log?

Does it appear the intern understands that they are working for Athens’ Own, a real world business?

Does it appear that they are listening and comprehending instructions and feedback offered by the supervisor and mentors?

Does the log entry help answer the question: “What does Athens’ Own do?”

Does it identify information that could be added to the FAQ?

Does it identify particular learning objectives with descriptions of application, etc.?

Is the intern demonstrating that he/she sees the application of concepts, systems, practices via every log entry?

  • incident command system – business management structure, span of control/delegation
  • holistic management – concepts, applied decision-making, adaptive strategies
  • collaboration
  • Collaborative systems thinking
    • me to we
  • community building
  • networking
  • social, economic, environmental sustainability
  • resilience – positive adaptation to perceived adversity
  • planning, preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery
  • seven generation stewardship

Is the intern asking questions in their logs?

Is the intern demonstrating any of the following traits through their writing?
•Here is what I know, here is what I can do, and I want to learn more. How can I help?
•Life-long learning journey

be present – every day, every task

•desire to learn, ability to learn
•active participation
•group process, teamwork

Does the writer address and/or demonstrate proficiency in the following resilience worker certificate program categories?
•Four Agreements

◦Be Impeccable with your word
◦Don’t take anything personally
◦Don’t make assumptions
◦Do your best

•Writing skills
•Computer skills
•Professional business attitude, appropriate attire
•Intra-inter personal communication skills
•Follow through on projects
•Holistic view
•Present info from different perspectives
•ability to discern why other people care about an issue
•able to motivate other to take and interest and act
•capable of organizing the actions of others
•ability to function in a complex system

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